
Murder Talks Turkey Review

Gertie Johnson and her best friend Cora Mae investigate crimes for their own business called the Trouble Buster Investigative Company. Their current case is following a man named Tony whose wife suspects him of cheating on her. While on line to cash a check at the Stonely Credit Union, Gertie witnesses a robbery. The suspect has a black ski mask on but most importantly he is wearing bright orange sneakers.

The robber is shot by someone on the roof who is not part of law enforcement. After police arrive at the scene they discover the robber has a bag full of Monopoly money, instead of real cash.

Why would the robber fill his bag up with play money? Was this a real robbery or an elaborate heist with more players involved?

While Gertie is working her cheating husband case, she gets into all kinds of trouble with law enforcement, specifically the new Sherriff in town. Gertie’s son Blaze is recovering from meningitis and his mind has been playing tricks on him. Sometimes he is lucid but at other times he thinks he’s a POW with people attacking him. As if Gertie didn’t have her hands full with her son, she also has to take care of her mother in law Grandma Johnson.

Gertie gets mixed up with the law and is on the lam from the cops. Since she was the sole witness of the robber's shooting they are starting to think she orchestrated the whole scenario to rob the bank. One thing after another piles up and Gertie is starting to look awfully guilty in the eyes of the law. Will Gertie and her friends be able to find the bad guys behind the bank robbery gone wrong or will Gertie serve some time in the slammer?

MURDER TALKS TURKEY is a hilarious light hearted mystery that I thoroughly enjoyed. I was very entertained by Gertie and all of her amusing antics. The mystery was nicely plotted and fun to solve along with Gertie and her friends. The chapters are short and this makes the story move along at a quick pace. I would recommend MURDER TALKS TURKEY to cozy mystery fans that enjoy a good laugh with their story.


  1. I LOVE cozy mysteries, and I haven't heard of this one before. It's definitely one I need to check out! Thanks for the heads up, I'll have to see if the book store has this one when I go there this week-end!

  2. Hehe, I like the cover, it's cute. This one sounds like a cute book, great review. :)

  3. Hey Chari Dee
    It's not really classified as a cozy mystery but I thought it read like one. It reminded me alot of Dixie Cash's series. Gertie is older (66 yrs old) and alot like Grandma Mazur from Evanovich's series. I wasn't sure if I'd like the book with the character being older but it didn't feel like that at all so I liked it. It's a fun quick read. :)

    Hey Wendy! Yea it's a goofy cover. LOL

  4. The cover is definitely funny. lol Sounds like a fun story to curl up with and of course I enjoyed your review. :)

  5. I've tagged ya babe, sorry, but I HAD to! http://novelreads.blogspot.com/2008/06/stealing-from-marg.html


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