Last time she screamed, she couldn’t stop for hours and was sent to a mental hospital for evaluation. Kaylee tries her best to blend in and act normal but lately death has been popping up everywhere she goes and triggers her attacks.
After losing her mother at only three years old, Kaylee’s father sent her to live with her aunt and uncle. She knows there’s something wrong with her but has no idea what it is. When teenage girls start dropping dead for no medical reason, Kaylee knows she has to figure out what is going on.
With the help of the gorgeous and super popular Nash, Kaylee discovers there’s more to her life then she’s ever known before. Her family has been keeping secrets from her for a long time and if she doesn’t discover the truth soon, it could put her life in grave danger. Will Nash and Kaylee be able to uncover why she senses death and what it means? Will they be able to find out why teenage girls are dropping dead like flies?
My Soul to Take is the debut young adult novel for Harlequin Teen’s new line of books by popular adult paranormal novelist Rachel Vincent. The concept behind this book is so unique and original that it was such a pleasure to read. While this book is classified as young adult, I adored it more then most of the adult books I’ve read! It isn’t dumbed down for kids and reads just like an adult novel, but yet is suitable for teenagers also. There is no cursing or sex so it is appropriate for teenagers who are on a Twilight kick and are dying to dive into the paranormal genre.
While this book is published by HQN it is not a happy and cheerful romance novel. My Soul to Take is dark, mysterious and emotional to the core. Death is a prominent theme in this book and it hits on a lot of topics that are interesting. If you were able to predict your death and know when you were going to die, would you want to know? Should people be saved once they have been chosen to die and is it against the natural order of things to bring people back?
My Soul To Take is a breath taking, heart pounding, intense story that will deeply move readers. The subject matter is so fascinating and executed brilliantly. Rachel Vincent has created a fresh new take on the paranormal genre and has given adults and teenagers a superb and absolutely outstanding novel to cherish. The second book in the Soul Screamers series is titled My Soul to Save and will be published in 2010. Overall, I was blown away and thrilled with this beautiful novel and will treasure it on my keeper shelf with many rereads to come.
Read the free prequel My Soul to Lose at this link
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