
Curse the Dawn Review

Curse the Dawn is the fourth book in the Cassie Palmer urban fantasy series. I strongly recommend reading the series in order to fully understand the characters and the world Cassie lives in. I did not know this was book four in the series until after I started the book and found it difficult to read without the prior knowledge of the series.

The characters are rarely described at all, leaving the reader with just a bunch of names in their head without a clear picture on who is who and what kind of being they are. The story starts off with action and the action doesn’t let up at all. Normally, I enjoy a book with lots of fight scenes and near death situations but in Curse the Dawn I found it to be overwhelming and boring at times.

Everything but the characters is described in extreme detail which can make the story feel overly wordy. There is very little romance or anything else going on besides Cassie fighting for her life in scene after scene. The story reads like an action adventure movie script and would probably make a great movie. I couldn’t even go about describing or summarizing Curse the Dawn as I normally would do in my reviews, because I simply could not comprehend what I was reading.

There were good parts to this book but then it would return to another overly detailed fight scene and my eyes would glaze over. Normally it takes me about 3 days to read a book, but Curse the Dawn took me over 2 weeks. I do not think that my distaste for this book is solely because I haven’t read the other books in the series, as I have never had a problem like this before. I saw a lot of potential in Chance’s writing but the excessive details, lack of any characterization, and over abundance of fight scenes really turned me off to this series. Overall, Curse the Dawn is an interesting book but just not my cup of tea.


  1. I've had this on my list for awhile. I've heard really good things about it though!

  2. Hi Jen! I'm sure if you've read the other books and enjoyed them, then you'd enjoy this one too. I haven't read them and was lost for alot of details. Also I just am not fond of so many action scenes with not much else going on. That's what I didnt like. :( Also if some of the characters were described a little it would have been helpful.


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