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2. The title and author of the last book you adored and why you loved it
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Summary from Amazon:I am looking for an experienced reviewer to review Cursed by Suzanne M. Sabol as a Guest Reviewer on Enchanted by Books. I would need the review within two weeks of the person receiving the book. I would want the review in the same style as my own. Summary of the book and then your opinion of it, 300-500 words and properly proofread for grammar and spelling mistakes. I will properly credit the reviewer with their name, link to their blog, and even a bio if they'd like to write one for me to post with the review.
From the moment of her birth, Hannah Worth bears the burden of a power that she does not understand and cannot control. Sheltered from the world, she grows up happily oblivious to the pain she causes others. Hannah doesn't know that she is despised and hated. At the height of her life, with everything she has ever wanted within her grasp, fate and the almighty impart a harsh lesson that will forever change her. Betrayed and cursed, Hannah will have to lose everything if she is to redeem herself, join the world and meet her destiny. The lines between good and evil are anything but clear in this epic dark fantasy that stretches from the witch trials of Salem to the onset of the French Revolution.
Meet Nemi Montoya, the vegetarian, cynical/romantic, hilariously honest twenty-something goth, in this brand new collection from artist Lise Myhre!
Hang out in the pub with Nemi and her friends, including her flatmate, the blue-haired Cyan; hear her opinions on romance and dating; watch her watch TV in her untidy flat; learn how she feels about birch trees, spiders and blondes; and generally experience the highs and lows of being Nemi in the modern world!
A superstar in her native Norway thanks to the immense success of Nemi — also reprinted in the 1.35 million-circulation UK Metro newspaper — you too can enter Lise Myhre’s witty, wonderful world!
Angel in TrainingThe above excerpt was adapted from Enid Wilson’s latest Regency novel Really Angelic, a paranormal retelling of Pride and Prejudice (The book contains mature content). Enid has kindly offered a paperback copy of the book to ONE of you. Just tell us your thoughts by commenting below by January 14th at 6:00 pm EST and you will have a chance to win the book. Entry is open to worldwide readers. To read more about Enid ’s books, you can visit her website at this link.
“What do you want now?” She demanded with some annoyance. She reclined on the bed, not bothering to raise and greet the angel properly.
“I want to make sure you have been learning your way with the angelic quill,” Mihaela said.
“Well, I have learned a fair bit about Himins and my jobs from it. But I know not how I am to protect my ward, nor have I developed any angelic skills.”
“Then I will teach you some, now.”
“But I am tired and I have a headache,” she said with a sigh. “Can we not leave it for another day?”
“There is no skirting of your duties, young thing.” Mihaela said, turning into Michael and speaking in a deep, serious voice.
She recoiled, still uneasy over having a man in her room, even if he was an angel.
“Very well then, sir.” She put on a robe and said, “But can you change back to Mihaela?”
“You are an impertinent low-level angel.” He scowled but complied with her request, returning to his female form. “Nevertheless, I shall now teach you how to fly.”
She asked in awe, “So I have wings?”
“Yes, they are embedded inside your bone but you can only use them when you come to your ward’s rescue or request,” Mihaela said. “Simply roll your shoulders, left, right and left, then chant ‘Crosswind and Whirlwind, I trust Ventara, the God of Wind.’ Wings will then spring out from the back of your neck.”
She wanted to laugh at the silly chant but she could see that the Commissioner was losing patience. She did as she was told and to her complete astonishment, she felt a strong tickling at the base of her neck and suddenly her skin seemed to burst. She turned and saw the wings, at her back!
“You have but to concentrate on where you want to go, Lizzybell,” Mihaela said. “Perhaps you would like to try flying out of the window?”
“I could not possibly!” She exclaimed.
“Just fly across the bed then, if your faith is so frail.”
She focused on the other side of the bed and felt her feet lift off the floor. Startled, she looked down at the ground, losing her focus, which made her drop back to the floor with a loud thud.
From below, her mother’s voice screeched, “My dear husband, what was that sound? Are the French coming? I’m certain that it came from my daughter’s room! Oh my, have they come to kidnap her?” Then a succession of rapid footfalls was heard, ascending the stairs.
Animal attraction is only half of the problem…
Olivia Felan has a wild side, all right. Even ignoring the fact that she turns furry and feral once a month, her natural style is take-no-prisoners, full-speed-ahead, come-what-may. But when it comes to her little girl, she doesn’t take chances. So when a big bad werewolf alpha steals her daughter, Olivia will do whatever it takes to get her baby back. And in this case, that means killing Rory Sullivan.
The trouble is, killing him would mean wasting one sexy beast. Sully is all man, all cop, and as of late, half wolf. When he meets Olivia, Sully’s a little glad he stuck his nose into his friends’ business and came out with animal senses—until he gets a whiff of the chaos following her around. Now he has to decide whether he can’t take his eyes off Olivia because she’s too beautiful—or because she’s too dangerous…